Science says that 1 in 10 people are depressed.
Come on, science. We can do better than that.
Don't get me wrong. I recognize that some people suffer from clinical depression and need tangible medication. There's no getting around that.
But many of us experience the regular lulls of life and just need a laugh, a positive thought, a nudge in the right direction, or a change in perspective.
Hi. I'm Miaken. And I promise not to be annoying (too late?) or preachy, because I have been the slumpiest of slumpiest people at times and this blog is more for myself than anyone.
In fact, I've spent a lot of my life thinking about the things I didn't have, or the things that weren't enough, or thinking that I needed certain things to be happy. And then one day it just hit me that I could be happy anytime, anywhere, no matter what--if I wanted to be.
You wouldn't think it would be such a hard thing to remember and feel, but sometimes it is. So I decided to start interviewing people who seem to have a natural happiness about them and figure out their secret. In the process, I've been reminded what a gift life is and that there are a million and one things to celebrate each and every day.
So here I am, throwing out my thoughts on random subjects and showcasing interviews with people far more interesting than myself. I also plan on having others contribute fabulous content.
So hopefully something on here will motivate, encourage, or uplift you. But mostly I hope you walk away laughing. Because sometimes a good laugh really is the best medicine. Just sayin'.